Thursday, January 28, 2016
Harvard University

University of California Los Angeles
Rowan University
Purdue University
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
University of Chicago
California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Friday, January 15, 2016
Harvard University
Thursday, January 14, 2016
University of Cambridge
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Sanford University
In 1841, Sanford
University was founded as Howard College
in Marion , Alabama . Some of the land was donated by Reverend James H. Devotee ,
who served on the Sanford Board of Trustees for fifteen years and as its
President for two years. The first financial gift, $4,000, was given by Julia Tarrant
Barron and both she and her son also gave land to
establish the college. The university was established after the Alabama Baptist
State Convention decided to build a school for men in Perry County, Alabama.
The college's first nine students began studies in January 1842 with a
traditional curriculum of language, literature and sciences. In October 1854, a fire destroyed all
of the college's property, including its only building. In those early years
the graduation addresses of several distinguished speakers were published,
including those by Thomas G. Keen of Mobile , Joseph Walters
Taylor , Noah
K. Davis
and Samuel Sterling Sherman. While the college recovered from the fire, the
Civil War began. Howard
College was converted to
a military hospital by the Confederate government in 1863. During this time,
the college's remaining faculty offered basic instruction to soldiers
recovering at the hospital. For a short period after the war, federal troops
occupied the college and sheltered freed slaves on its campus. In 1865 the
college reopened. Howard College 's board of trustees accepted real estate and funding
from the city of Birmingham , Alabama in 1887
In 1913, the college became fully and permanently
coeducational. Howard College added its School
of Music in 1914 and School of Education
and Journalism the following year. The college introduced its Department of
Pharmacy in 1927. At the time, it was the only program of its kind in the Southeastern United States . During World War II, Howard College
hosted a V-12 Navy College Training Program, allowing enlisted sailors to earn
college degrees while receiving military training. The number of veterans
attended the college after the war boosted enrollment beyond capacity.
How Should One Read a Book?
How Should One
Read a Book?
She does not state this openly, as an argumentative
thesis. She might have done so, at the end of an opening paragraph that had
drawn us in with her characteristically intelligent charm. Her essay would
actually have been clearer; since she begins by saying that nobody can judge
and ends by saying that everyone must judge. But we understand her at the end,
and we forgive her inductive teasing because she had guided us to understand
her thesis after all, and to believe in it as she does.
Religion and Science
and Science
From Sconce and the Modern World (1925
Much of Whitehead's work is highly technical and
thus is available only to those with special training But most of his later
philosophical work was written with an eye toward affecting a somewhat more
general although still reasonably well educated reader.
Religion and Science discusses a controversy that
was particularly apparent in society since the publication of Darwin 's Origin of
Species in 1859. The issue was relevant in the 1920s because of the celebrated Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton,
Tennessee, which took place in 1925, testing whether or not a science teacher
could teach the theory of evolution in a public school in that state. But, f
course, the conflict between religion and science has a way of erupting age
after age, and as whitehead points out, the disagreements became serious as
early as the seventeenth century. In the book from which the following
selection if taken, Whitehead seems to be making a
genuine effort to find a means of putting the conflict into perspective and of
softening the disagreements. While acknowledging that religion and science
appear to be in conflict.
The Human Scapegoat in Ancient Greece
Human Scapegoat in Ancient Greece
From The Golden Bough (1890)
Yet, as
we come to know these strangers (what some anthropologists call the other) we
begin to realize that they are not so strange after all. We all want to feel
safe and secure. We all want to be loved we all want to feel connected to our
culture, community, and family.
Comparison of the Mental Powers of and the Lower Animals
of the Mental Powers of and the Lower Animals
The idea of
evolution the gradual change of species through some kind of modification of
varieties had been in the air for many years when Darwin began his
work. Alfred Russell
Wallace (1823-1913), a younger English scientist,
revealed in 1858 that he was about to propose the same theory of evolution as
was Darwin .
They joined and published their theories together, and the next year Darwin
rushed his Origin of Species. As father of evolutionary theory, Darwin
because the nineteenth century's most influential scientist.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Discuss the concept of assimilation.
Discuss the concept
of assimilation.
is the process whereby individuals or groups once dissimilar become similar and
identified their interest and out-look. Thus assimilation is the slowly and
gradually learning process of majority groups culture and to modify them into
the other culture by adopting the ways of life of dominant culture.
characteristics assimilation are:
Assimilation is an unconscious process.
It is slow and gradual process.
It starts from acculturation.
It is a process of learning.
It is a long lasting process.
It is social and psychological process.
It is an universal process.
What are the
promoting factors of assimilation?
promoting factors are:
Intimate social relationship
Cultural similarity
Equal social and economic opportunity
Define integration.
What are the components of it’s?
is a harmonizing or unifying process whereby separate parts of society unite
into a single unit. It helps members to remain together and forces the members
to remain in one group. In fact, social integration is the uniting of formerly
separated groups into one group with the removal of any previous social and
cultural group differences as well as the removal of separate group
identification. It is the mutual social adjustment of diverse traits to form a
harmonious cultural system. According to dictionary of sociology, ‘integration
refers to the process by which different races come to have closer social,
economic and political relationship.’
integration is the process of establishing closer social relationship of the
people having different social, economic, political, cultural and environmental
components of integration are:
Sharing of common characteristic.
Acceptance or observation of various norms set by the group.
Discipline among the members unites the group.
What the
characteristics of integration?
characteristics of integration are as follows:
Integration is the harmonious relationship between the various structural
components of society.
It is a process of organization rather than homogeneity.
It is a re-adjustment of social change.
It is a complex process in comparison to acculturation and assimilation.
Compare and
contrast between acculturation, assimilation and integration.
among acculturation, assimilation and integration are:
All are the basic principles of cultural contact.
All are the social process.
Borrowing and acquiring various cultural traits are also common features.
It is related transmission of cultural traits.
It refers to the fusion of cultural traits.
It is integration of different social parts.
It is a continuous process.
It is the product of social contacted interaction.
It is a process of organization.
It takes a short time.
It takes a long time.
It takes a short time.
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